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Rebecca S. McDaniel Symposium on Asphalt Pavements




March 10, 2021: 9:00-11:00am and 12:00-2:00pm CST


Organizers: Imad Al-Qadi and Gerry Huber











Becky McDaniel made a lasting impression on the asphalt industry.  A talented engineer and pragmatic researcher, she was a genuinely kind and compassionate person, a devoted wife and mother, whose 35-year career inspired a generation of academicians, practicing engineers and road-construction personnel.  On May 2, 2020, Becky’s unexpected death left everyone she touched with a heavy heart. We are celebrating her contributions to our field through this symposium.


All registration fees will go to
\r\nBecky McDaniel Scholarship Funds.


The symposium is managed by AAPT.










For those who would like to participate but can’t make it on March 10th, please know that the sessions will be recorded and will be available for registered attendees.




E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=21766®istration_type=public","title":"Rebecca S. McDaniel Symposium on Asphalt Pavements","start":"2021-03-10 09:00","end":"2021-03-10 23:59","id":21766},{"button_link":"
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AAPT 2021 Annual Meeting & Technical Sessions


August 30 - September 2, 2021


(The meeting will start at 1:30 pm on Monday, August 30 and end at 12:00pm on Thursday, September 2)


Nashville, Tennessee


LOEWS Vanderbilt Nashville




  If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at aapt@asphalttechnology.org


Stay well and we hope to see you in Nashville in August!




Hotel Reservation Info


The contracted room rate is $189 single/double.


Click on the button below to make your hotel reservations online.  If you prefer to call in, you can call 800-336-3335.  Make sure and mention the code "AAP912" to get the contracted room rate. 


NOTE:  The government rate room is higher than the contracted room rate so there is not a separate link or code.







\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=22219®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT 2021 Annual Meeting & Technical Sessions","start":"2021-08-30 13:30","end":"2021-09-02 23:59","id":22219},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration

AAPT Webinar - Incorporation of High-RAP/RAS: Lessons Learned and Knowledge Gaps




November 15, 2021: 1:00-3:00pm EST


Organizers: AAPT Membership Committee










For those who would like to participate but can’t make it on November 15th, please know that the sessions will be recorded and will be available for registered attendees.




E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=23368®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT Webinar - Incorporation of High-RAP/RAS: Lessons Learned and Knowledge Gaps","start":"2021-11-15 12:00","end":"2021-11-15 23:59","id":23368},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration

AAPT NMC AMA - Conferences 101: Networking and Presenting




January 6, 2022: 11:00-12:00pm EST


Organizers: AAPT Newer Member Committee







E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=23725®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT NMC Ask Me Anything Series - Conferences 101: Networking and Presenting","start":"2022-01-06 10:00","end":"2022-01-06 23:59","id":23725},{"button_link":"","description":"

AAPT Webinar - Polymer-Modified Asphalt: State of the Practice and Applications




March 7, 2022: 12:00-2:00pm EST


Organizers: AAPT Membership Committee










For those who would like to participate but can’t make it on March 7th, please know that the sessions will be recorded and will be available for registered attendees.




E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#3366cc","title":"AAPT Webinar: Polymer-Modified Asphalt: State of the Practice and Applications","start":"2022-03-07 00:00","end":"2022-03-07 23:59","id":19085},{"button_link":"","description":"







The Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT) is actively soliciting papers for consideration of presentation at its 2022 Annual Meeting and Technical Sessions and for publication in a Special Collection of the Transportation Research Record (TRR). Papers reporting on studies concerning any aspect of asphalt paving technology or related fields are considered, including asphalt materials, design, construction, maintenance/preservation, and research applications.



The following are options for submission:



The option for submitters wishing to be considered for presentation at the AAPT Annual Meeting and considered for publication in a Special Collection of the Transportation Research Record (TRR). Publication decisions are made solely by the AAPT Editorial Board. Presentation decisions are made by the AAPT Board of Directors, after considering the recommendations from the Editorial Board.


This is the option chosen by most submitters.



The option for submitters wishing to be considered for publication in a Special Collection of the Transportation Research Record (TRR), but who do not necessarily wish to present at the Annual Meeting. As noted above, publication decisions are made solely by the AAPT Editorial Board.


This is an option chosen by some submitters.



The option for submitters wishing to present their work at the AAPT Annual Meeting, but who do not want to write a full paper and/or subject their work to the paper review/selection/revision process required for publication. As noted above, presentation decisions are made by the Board of Directors.


This is an option chosen by some submitters.




Papers submitted for consideration of Presentation and Publication or Publication Only shall be a maximum of 27 pages (8.5″ x 11″) – including figures, tables, references and any appendices – in TRB/TRR format. See the Authors Instructions at the following link:






Papers submitted for Presentation Only may be considerably shorter than a typical paper but should provide enough information for the AAPT Board of Directors to fairly assess whether to offer a presentation slot to the submitter. The Authors Instructions can help provide guidance as well.



All papers shall be submitted through the Transportation Research Record Editorial Manager site at https://www.editorialmanager.com/trr/default1.aspx  by no later than April 1, 2022. Step-by-step instructions on the submission process are described in the “Submitting for a Special Collection” PDF.



To be fair to other authors and reviewers please note that the submission deadline is a firm deadline.



Submissions will be reviewed by the appropriate group – the AAPT Editorial Board for those submissions seeking publication and the AAPT Board of Directors for those submissions seeking presentation at the Annual Meeting. Questions, comments, and suggested revisions from the reviewers will be provided along with the final decision on the submission.



To meet goals for program development and provide time for final revision of accepted papers, submitters should expect to receive notification of the decision on their submission by no later than the end of June 2022.



Please contact the AAPT office (651-293-9188 or papers@asphalttechnology.org) with any questions regarding requirements and the submittal-review-publication process.


\r\n","backgroundColor":"#3366cc","title":"AAPT 2022 Call for Papers","start":"2022-04-01 00:00","end":"2022-04-01 23:59","id":19045},{"button_link":"","description":"

AAPT NMC AMA - From Orientation to Graduation


How to be Successful with Graduation Thesis and Publications




April 27, 2022: 12:00 - 1:00pm EST


Organizers: AAPT Newer Member Committee







E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#3366cc","title":"AAPT NMC From Orientation to Graduation","start":"2022-04-27 00:00","end":"2022-04-27 23:59","id":19258},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration

AAPT NMC AMA - From Orientation to Graduation


How to be Successful with Graduation Thesis and Publications




April 27, 2022: 12:00 - 1:00pm EST


Organizers: AAPT Newer Member Committee







E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=24441®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT NMC From Orientation to Graduation","start":"2022-04-27 11:00","end":"2022-04-27 23:59","id":24441},{"button_link":"","description":"

AAPT Webinar - Strategies to Improve Pavement Resilience




June 20, 2022: 1:00-3:00pm EDT


Organizers: AAPT Membership Committee











E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#0000ff","title":"AAPT Webinar: Strategies to Improve Pavement Resilience","start":"2022-06-20 00:00","end":"2022-06-20 23:59","id":19323},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration

AAPT Webinar - Strategies to Improve Pavement Resilience




June 20, 2022: 1:00-3:00pm EDT


Organizers: AAPT Membership Committee











E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=24634®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT Webinar: Strategies to Improve Pavement Resilience","start":"2022-06-20 12:00","end":"2022-06-20 23:59","id":24634},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration





AAPT 2022 Annual Meeting & Technical Sessions




September 12-15, 2022


San Antonio, Texas




Hyatt Regency San Antonio River Walk




The contracted room rate is $229 single/double.




(Limited number of Government rates rooms available)








Please note that if you want to purchase more than one ticket to the Tuesday event, when registering, you must click on Add Additional Registrant at the bottom of the page.


  If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at aapt@asphalttechnology.org


Stay well and we hope to see you in San Antonio in September!



















\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=23333®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT 2022 Annual Meeting & Technical Sessions","start":"2022-09-12 12:00","end":"2022-09-15 23:59","id":23333},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration

AAPT Webinar - Recent Advances in the Use of Rubber-Modified Asphalt



November 14, 2022: 1:00-3:00pm EST


Organizers: AAPT Membership Committee









E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=25422®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT Webinar: Recent Advances in the Use of the Rubber-Modified Asphalt","start":"2022-11-14 12:00","end":"2022-11-14 23:59","id":25422},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration



AAPT NMC AMA - How to Have a Successful Conference



November 30, 2022: 11:00-12:00pm CST







Organizers: AAPT Newer Member Committee







E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=25553®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT Ask Me Anything Event - How to Have a Successful Conference","start":"2022-11-30 11:00","end":"2022-11-30 23:59","id":25553},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration

AAPT Webinar - Alternative Binders for Flexible Pavements



June 19, 2023: 1:00-3:00pm EST


Organizers: AAPT Membership Committee









E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=27756®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT Webinar: Alternative Binders for Flexible Pavements - REPLICATED","start":"2023-01-01 00:00","end":"2023-01-01 23:59","id":27756},{"button_link":"
Members Click Here To Login!
Public Registration

AAPT Webinar - Alternative Binders for Flexible Pavements



June 19, 2023: 1:00-3:00pm EST


Organizers: AAPT Membership Committee









E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=26955®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT Webinar: Alternative Binders for Flexible Pavements","start":"2023-06-19 12:00","end":"2023-06-19 23:59","id":26955},{"button_link":"","description":"

 Post on AAPT Annual Meeting with 2022 Flyer By Parnian

\r\n","backgroundColor":"#3366cc","title":"Post on AAPT Annual Meeting with 2022 Flyer","start":"2023-07-06 00:00","end":"2023-07-06 23:59","id":20291},{"button_link":"","description":"

Student Poster session

\r\n","backgroundColor":"#3366cc","title":"Student Poster session","start":"2023-07-11 00:00","end":"2023-07-11 23:59","id":20293},{"button_link":"","description":"

Annual Meeting + Monday September 25, 2023 Room: San Diego Ballroom Symposium Session: Lessons Learned from Long-term Case Studies Tom Bennert and Stacey Diefenderfer

\r\n","backgroundColor":"#3366cc","title":"Annual Meeting + Symposium Session","start":"2023-07-18 00:00","end":"2023-07-18 23:59","id":20295},{"button_link":"","description":"

A general post about AAPT 2022 annual meeting + first technical session

\r\n","backgroundColor":"#3366cc","title":"A general post about AAPT 2022 annual meeting first technical session","start":"2023-07-25 00:00","end":"2023-07-25 23:59","id":20297},{"button_link":"","description":"

Annual Meeting + synopses on Technical Session 2: Plastics in Asphalt ( tag presenters + Board + committee chairs)


Hello Parnian.  The BOD would like to have several social media posts to get the word out for govt employee virtual registration option due to the importance of attracting and involving more DOT/govt agencies.  A reduced rate of $200 is available.




When registering for the annual meeting online there is this available option for govt employees to attend virtually:







PDHs are available ONLY for the individual registered and paid.  [i.e. if more than one person views the event via a single registration the only one that will receive PDHs is the person who registered for the event]




Can you please include some additional social media posts between now and the annual meeting with this information?  I expect you will be able to come up with a creative way with different text to summarize the above because my text isn’t drafted with that in mind.




Thanks again for putting together the social media schedule for the annual meeting and executing it.  Let me know if you have any questions.







\r\n","backgroundColor":"#3366cc","title":"Annual Meeting + synopses on Technical Session 2:","start":"2023-07-27 00:00","end":"2023-07-27 23:59","id":20298},{"button_link":"
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AAPT NMC AMA - Sustainability in Asphalt Pavements



August 30, 2023: 11:00-12:30pm CST






We have lined up a group of expert panelists from the field of sustainability, including:




The session will be moderated by yet another expert of sustainability – Amir Golalipour from the FHWA.



Organizers: AAPT Newer Member Committee











E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=27354®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT Ask Me Anything Event - Sustainability in Asphalt Pavements","start":"2023-08-30 23:00","end":"2023-08-30 23:59","id":27354},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration







AAPT 2023 Annual Meeting & Technical Sessions




September 25-28, 2023


San Diego, California


Westin San Diego Gaslamp Hotel







Registration Fees


AAPT Member $675


Non-members $925


Virtual AAPT Member $400


Virtual Non-Member $550


DOT/Government Agency Virtual $200




Hotel Reservations Information




The contracted room rate is $239 single/double.





NOTE:  The government rate room block is full.


Networking Event (Optional)


Tuesday, September 26 - 6:00-8:00pm


Tin Roof Restaurant and Bar


$50 per person



Accompanying Guest Program


Guest Program Cost - $350





  If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at aapt@asphalttechnology.org


Stay well and we hope to see you in San Diego in September!




















\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=25283®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT 2023 Annual Meeting & Technical Sessions","start":"2023-09-25 13:00","end":"2023-09-28 23:59","id":25283},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration

AAPT Webinar - Data Science Applications in Pavement Engineering



November 13, 2023: 1:00-3:00pm EST


Organizers: AAPT Membership Committee









E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=27763®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT Webinar: Data Science Applications in Pavement Engineering","start":"2023-11-13 12:00","end":"2023-11-13 23:59","id":27763},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration

AAPT Webinar - Balanced Mix Design: Specification to Implementation



March 11, 2024: 1:00-3:00pm EST


Organizers: AAPT Membership Committee









E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=30177®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT Webinar: Balanced Mix Design: Specification to Implementation","start":"2024-03-11 12:00","end":"2024-03-11 23:59","id":30177},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration

iCal Invite


AAPT NMC AMA - "Entrepreneurship in the Asphalt Paving Industry"



May 22, 2024: 11:00-12:30pm CST


Join us for the upcoming AAPT AMA session on "Entrepreneurship in the Asphalt Paving Industry" hosted by the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT), in collaboration with the Newer Members Committee (NMC) and the Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) task force. We're thrilled to welcome esteemed panelists:


Mark your calendars for May 22nd from 12 PM and 1:30 PM Eastern Time. Our AMA series, a cornerstone of the NMC, aims to provide expertise on trending topics. In this latest session, we'll explore entrepreneurship in the pavement community, offering insights from established and emerging businesses. Moderated by Nathan Moore from NCAT, the session will feature an open discussion format, encouraging audience questions. Don't miss this chance to engage with industry experts and gain valuable insights! Secure your spot by registering now. 







Organizers: AAPT Newer Member Committee




E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=30390®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT Ask Me Anything Event -Entrepreneurship in the Asphalt Paving Industry","start":"2024-05-22 11:00","end":"2024-05-22 23:59","id":30390},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration



AAPT AMA session on "Findings from 100 Years of Experience"



August 30, 2024: 11:00-12:30pm CST


Join us for the upcoming AAPT AMA session on "Findings from 100 Years of Experience" hosted by the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT), in collaboration with the Newer Members Committee (NMC) and the Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) task force. We're thrilled to welcome esteemed panelists:
\r\n- Amy Epps Martin,  A.P. & Florence Wiley Professor II   - Texas A&M University ; Senior Research Engineer - Texas A&M Transportation Institute
\r\n- Audrey Copeland , President and CEO - National Asphalt Paving Association
\r\n- John D'Angelo, Chief Operating Officer - D'Angelo Consulting
\r\n- Mike Anderson, Director of Research and Laboratory Services - Asphalt Institute ; Executive Director - Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists
\r\nMark your calendars for August 30th between 12 PM and 1:30 PM Eastern Time. Our AMA series, a cornerstone of the NMC, aims to provide expertise on trending topics. In this latest session, we will delve into the rich history and key findings from 100 years of experience in the pavement industry, offering insights from seasoned professionals and industry veterans. Moderated by Punya Rath from the University of Missouri, the session will feature an open discussion format, encouraging audience questions. Don't miss this chance to engage with the paving industry experts and gain valuable insights! Secure your spot by registering now.





Organizers: AAPT Newer Member Committee




E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=31185®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT AMA session: Findings from 100 Years of Experience","start":"2024-08-30 11:00","end":"2024-08-30 23:59","id":31185},{"button_link":"
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Public Registration











AAPT 2024 Annual Meeting & Technical Sessions


100 year Anniversary!


September 9-12, 2024


Chicago, Illinois


LOEWS Chicago Downtown




Registration is now open!




The 2024 program is now available.






We will be hosting a special event at the Shedd Aquarium for our 100 year celebration and it is included in the registration fee.




Hotel Reservations Info




The room block at the LOEWS is full and there are no rooms available for Monday, September 9th through Wednesday, September 11th. 


We have secured a small block of rooms at a nearby hotel, the 21C Chicago. The hotel is 0.8 miles from the LOEWS Chicago where our meeting is being held.  The rooms are at $359 + tax, per night.


Contact Eileen Soler at aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.







Sponsorship Opportunities


There are special sponsorship opportunities available for this special event. The details are below.  Contact Eileen Soler at aapt@asphalttechnology.org for further details.







  If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at aapt@asphalttechnology.org


Stay well and we hope to see you in Chicago in September!



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=28018®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT 2024 Annual Meeting & Technical Sessions","start":"2024-09-09 12:00","end":"2024-09-12 23:59","id":28018},{"button_link":"
Members Click Here To Login!
Public Registration



AAPT Webinar - Developments in Airfield Pavements



December 12, 2024: 1:00-3:00pm EST


Organizers: AAPT Membership Committee









E-mail aapt@asphalttechnology.org with any questions.



\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=32110®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT Webinar: Developments in Airfield Pavements","start":"2024-12-12 11:00","end":"2024-12-12 23:59","id":32110},{"button_link":"
Members Click Here To Login!
Public Registration





AAPT 2025 Annual Meeting & Technical Sessions


March 10-13, 2025


Reno, Nevada


Whitney Peak Hotel




2025 Annual Meeting Program


Registration Fees


Member Registration  Early bird $775  Onsite $875


Non-Member Registration   Early bird $1070 Onsite $1170  (price difference is the amount of 2025 dues)


Student Onsite $75 (includes banquet ticket)


Extra Banquet Ticket  $150


Accompanying Guest Program  $375 (includes banquet ticket)


OPTIONAL Tuesday Night Networking Event  $50


Virtual Meeting Attendance - Member  $400  Non-member $550


Student Virtual Attendance - Free




Acompanying Guest Program




Hotel Reservations Info


Use this link to make your hotel reservations. The group rate for our meeting is $179.00/night.  Please note that the cutoff date has been extended to 2/14/2025.  Please make your reservations by then to ensure that you get a room.  If you are looking for a government rate room or if you have any questions, please contact Eileen at aapt@asphalttechnology.org


Sponsorship Opportunities




  Contact Eileen Soler at aapt@asphalttechnology.org for further details.







  If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at aapt@asphalttechnology.org


Stay well and we hope to see you in Reno in March!





\r\n","backgroundColor":"#00007f","link":"https://admin.associationsonline.com/secure/events_register_member.cfm?pk_association=1748&pk_association_event=31734®istration_type=public","title":"AAPT 2025 Annual Meeting & Technical Sessions","start":"2025-03-10 13:30","end":"2025-03-13 23:59","id":31734}]